Steamed Garoupa

Ingredients600 grams Garoupa
3 grams Mushrooms
50 grams Carrot
20 grams Ginger
2 tsp Rice Wine
2 tsp
Vegetable oil
1 tsp Salt
Cooking appliance

Steam oven

Type of ingredient


Preparation1. Debone and slice the garoupa into 6 pieces.
2. Wash and soak the mushrooms in cold water for 30 minutes. Once softened, dry the soaked mushrooms and cut into thin slices.
3. Skin and cut the carrots and ginger into slices.
4. Place the slices of fish, mushrooms, carrots and ginger onto a plate. Add the salt, rice wine and vegetable oil. Steam at 100°C for approximately 8 minutes.
Tips1. If you do not plan on cooking the fish on the day that you bought it, dry the fish with kitchen napkins and store it in the cooler or freezer to ensure the fish stays fresh.
2. You can use the fish bones that you have removed from the garoupa to cook tofu, or enhance the flavour of soup.